yes, it is february 16. it's been 2011 for a month and a half, but i've had this post in my head for a long time and wanted to get it out. i've been working on my personal history and downloading all my old blog posts from my old blogs, and it made me think about what i want this blog to be like. my other blogs were passionate, funny, inspiring, and i grew so much through writing them... this blog... eh... not so much. i don't have that much time to write, or even think about writing... but it's one of my new years resolutions to keep this blog up better. i know i've promised it before, but i REALLY am going to do better.
Here are some things i've going to start posting about:
* gluten free eating
* natural living (aka embracing the hippie within... lol)
* my random thoughts (which are NOT guaranteed to be enlightening ;)
* how to prepare for marriage (no, i'm not engaged or even dating anyone...)
* and more things that i'll just end of surprising you with.
2011 promises to be an AMAZING year!!! :D